Landscaping and Gardening News for You:

Red's Landscaping & Design offers a wide range of experiences, from design consultation, right through to full turn-key management and construction of both soft and hard landscaping across residential and civil projects. Our expert designers can help you, your business, or council departments discover exactly what kind of design or works you need.

Koalas are one of the most popular animals in the world. They are also one unique creature found only in Australia. Koalas are not bears, despite their appearance. They are marsupials, which means they carry their young in a pouch.

As the world progresses, we become more aware of our actions impact on the environment. Concrete is one of the most common materials used in construction, responsible for 4% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions.

A beautiful, lush lawn is the envy of every homeowner. It's the perfect place for kids to play, pets to run, and for you to relax on a warm summer day. But achieving that perfect lawn doesn't happen by accident. Creating a lawn that will make your neighbors green with envy takes time, effort, and knowledge.

It's no secret that the landscape industry is booming. In fact, according to a report by Forbes, it's expected to grow by 16% over the next five years. So if you're looking to get in on the action, now is the time.

Landscaping your property with trees can not only provide you with shade and help to conserve energy, but it can also boost your home's curb appeal. Trees are a valuable asset to any home, and when it comes to tree landscape design in Melbourne, you should keep a few things in mind.

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